We're glad you're here.

If you are in crisis call 911 or 988.

Now, let's introduce you to the elephant . . .

Note: You can also call the suicide intervention hotline at:

The Elephant in the Room . . .

Are you simply "nervous" or are you anxious?

Are you simply "down" or are you depressed?

We'll help you take control of what matters most in your life, your joy.

Simply invest a few minutes and get to know your anxiety & depression numbers.

We want you to stop worrying, you're not alone here.

And, we need you here, more than you know . . .

Ready to set down the elephant of worry?
. . . start now . . .

Entering your information here allows us to stay in touch . . .

We will not share it with anyone,  not even the assessment.

Our History is in Stress Management . . .

We know, even the calmest exterior often masks a hidden worry. Especially now, worry can keep you locked inside your own head. 

Please let us guide you in reclaiming your best days . . . from the inside out.

100% Money Back Guarantee? Yes, it's free.

Copyright 2023 Teen Suicide Prevention Society